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What is vein inflammation (phlebitis)?
Phlebitis is a condition when you have inflammation of a vein. People may suffer from this condition due to the formation of blood clots within the veins ending in inflammation. Generally, Thrombophlebitis occurs in leg veins but it can cause anywhere in the body such as arms. The thrombus may arise pain and irritation and cause obstruction in the blood flow inside the veins. Phlebitis can happen in both superficial or deep veins.
Usually, Superficial phlebitis has a bad impact on the skin surface. Rarely, this condition can cause serious complications but if it is taken care of properly, patients may relieve this issue quickly. In some cases, people with Superficial phlebitis may end in deep vein thrombophlebitis. Therefore it becomes essential to treat the issue on time. Consult a vein doctor to have a precise medical evaluation. What Doctor Treats Varicose Veins or other venous disorders? A phlebologist or vascular surgeon is a trained doctor who has mastery skills to handle all types of vein diseases.
What Are the Basic Causes of Phlebitis?
Some “risk factors” for thrombophlebitis include the following:
What Are The Common Symptoms Of Phlebitis?
These symptoms may become worse when your leg is lowered. You may suffer from a low-grade fever during this condition. Also, when you have phlebitis, the particular area can become sore and tender along the vein.
When to Get Medical Treatment?
Consult your vein doctor if you are experiencing the above-mentioned symptoms like swelling, pain, and inflamed varicose veins in the arms or the legs. If you don’t feel better in one or two weeks, schedule a quick appointment at a nearby vein center to determine the root cause and treatment type.
Medical Treatment:
If the diagnosis report says that you are suffering from superficial phlebitis, your vein doctor may suggest the most suitable treatment for you. Your doctor will recommend compression stockings and anti-inflammatory medicines to reduce or control your symptoms. If you are not relieved, he or she may recommend antibiotics.
In case you are suffering from deep vein thrombophlebitis, your vein doctor may recommend a blood thinner (anticoagulant) to cure your condition. The treatment may take 3-6 months or 3-12 months. If you notice any signs of infections, you will be recommended to take an antibiotic.
If you notice the symptoms of deep Phlebitis, you are advised to take emergency medical care before it causes more health complications.
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Are you suffering from severe vein issues, but still unaware of how serious are your vein disorders? Consult a vein specialist to determine the actual position of vein problems. Most people may have confusion about what kind of doctor specializes in veins. A Phlebologist is a trained doctor who has specialized knowledge in handling various issues of veins. He or She is a board-certified physician who specializes in minimally invasive vein treatment.
What is a vein specialist called?
In the case of severe vein problems, a vascular surgeon will diagnose and treat various types of venous disorders and diseases.
Veins play a vital role in the circulatory system. They transfer the blood from the lower part of the body to the heart. Want to avoid serious vein issues! In order to do so, you will have to know when it is the correct time to see a vein specialist.
Signs that alerts you to visit a vein specialist:
Initially, you may think it is normal that your legs are tired and weakened after standing for a while. But if this situation persists. The level of leg pain is rising day by day, maybe it is an alert that you are having vein issues. Moreover, if varicose veins are making your legs weak day by day which becomes worse after standing for a few hours, it is high time to visit a vein specialist.
Suffering from skin issues like dryness/itchiness or a rash may be a sign that you are suffering from venous disorders. Such signs on the skin may indicate that you are suffering from high blood pressure levels in your problematic veins and blood is not flowing back towards the heart. This clearly indicates that you may experience severe complications like leg ulcers if you left the skin conditions untreated for a long duration. Once you have leg ulcers, you may have to deal with severe pain that needs the attention of a vein specialist.
You will have to understand what type of pain may relate to varicose veins. If you are suffering from varicose veins, you will feel aching and throbbing in your legs. Moreover, when you perform daily activities with varicose veins, the intensity of pain will go high.
In order to understand whether the leg pain is really related to varicose veins or not, you will have to schedule an appointment with a vein specialist.
Suffering from hormones imbalance! It may be one of the serious causes of varicose veins. During pregnancy, the hormones go through major changes. Also, during pregnancy, the amount of blood increases in a woman’s body as she is carrying a baby in her womb. This can result in enlarged varicose veins. Therefore you are having vein issues during the first pregnancy, maybe you will suffer during your second one. Want to keep away the vein issues during pregnancy, visit a vein specialist to determine a treatment that treats your condition efficiently.
When your vein issues are left untreated for a long duration, you are likely to suffer from leg ulcers, especially around the calf and the ankle areas. Also, leg ulcers can end in diabetes, so visit a vein specialist so that he or she can diagnose your problem on time and recommend the necessary treatment fitting your situation.
Don’t make guesses rather than schedule an appointment to get control of vein issues.
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Generally, Varicose veins and spider veins are not considered serious health issues. Most people suffering from spider veins want to get rid of them due to cosmetic reasons. However, any individual suffering from varicose or spider veins can suffer from severe symptoms of vein disorders and can threaten your circulatory health. Therefore, it becomes necessary to get them eliminated on a permanent basis. Usually, people consider that varicose or spider veins removal procedures are too costly to afford. Therefore, schedule an appointment at the nearest vein center to know “ are varicose vein treatments covered by insurance?”. If yes, you won’t need to worry about the cost of the treatment.
When Vein Elimination Is Medically Essential?
When your veins are swollen and painful, causing discomfort while sleeping at night, may be considered a medically necessary issue. Initially, your vein specialist may suggest you wear compression stockings to enhance circulation. If the outcomes don’t meet your expectations, your vein specialist may suggest other treatment alternatives to remove varicose or spider veins.
How much does it cost to get your veins stripped?
Once you have determined to go through vein removal procedures from a vein doctor, he or she will first examine your legs thoroughly to know the actual cause of the treatment. Also, a diagnosis report is essential for most insurance companies as they are offering coverage for varicose vein treatments.
When a vein specialist prepares a diagnosis report with the help of a venous ultrasound, he or she will be able to tell how serious your condition is. For instance, if your diagnosis report says that your varicose veins are creating issues such as leg ulcers, heaviness, swelling, and faulty blood circulation in your legs, will be classified as medically necessary. This will also work as evidence for the insurer to cover the vein removal treatment.
If Your Veins Are Categorised as Cosmetic Concerns:
If you are suffering from spider veins or small-sized varicose veins with little vein disorders, you might be eliminated due to cosmetic reasons. And such a type of vein treatment is not covered by the insurance companies. Patients have to pay for it.
Vein Removal Treatment Options:
It is a procedure that comprises the usage of heat to burn and close varicose veins. Your vein specialist will use local anaesthesia into the tissues encompassing the veins. The vein specialist will transmit heat energy directly to the affected veins with the help of an electrode induced into the area through a tiny incision. The energy treats the abnormal veins to make them shrink and fade away.
During this process, your vein doctor will use Varithena (polidocanol injectable foam) to treat varicose veins in the legs. Varithena improves your varicose vein conditions and reduces the ugly appearance made by varicose veins. The foam will destroy the lining of the vein valves within seconds and close the vein.
This method utilizes glue or adhesive to seal the vein. During this method, a vein specialist fills a syringe with medical adhesive. He or she will insert the adhesive into the VenaSeal closure system’s allocating gun that is connected to a catheter. A catheter is passed to the diseased veins under ultrasound guidance. The vein specialist executes a sequence of tests trigger pulls to transmit the medical adhesive.
Apart from these treatments, your vein specialist may recommend Mechanochemical ablation of the vein (MOCA) or Ambulatory microphlebectomy to treat varicose veins. Consult a vein specialist to determine what is the best treatment for your diseased veins.
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When you are suffering from varicose veins, you will be recommended compression socks to relieve the symptoms of varicose veins. If these don’t produce enough results, your doctor will recommend surgical procedures to seal off the varicose veins.
What are the risk factors of varicose veins?
Before getting any kind of vein treatment, schedule your appointment at an authorized vein center.
A vein center is a section of Cardiovascular Associates that are experts in handling vein disease. All the clinical staff is dedicated to providing the best possible care for vein disease.
Are compression stockings helpful?
People with varicose veins are initially advised to put on compression stockings. These special socks put a little pressure on the veins that help the blood flow back to the heart in a healthy manner.
When are other treatments and procedures considered?
Your doctor may recommend medical treatment for varicose veins if;
Varicose veins can be surgically removed or closed off utilizing heat energy or foam. The elimination procedure doesn’t affect the blood flow as the blood arranges its route through the healthy veins.
How serious is varicose vein surgery?
Varicose vein surgery is recommended when the patients have larger varicose veins.
The main methods to terminate varicose veins are:
Vein ligation and stripping: this method includes a couple of incisions. One incision is at the top of the leg just beneath the affected area and the other behind the knee or at the ankle. The physician first ties the veins where he or she makes the top incision (vein ligation). Then, he or she inserts a long wire into the vein using the lower incision.
At long last, a button-like cap is joined to the lower end of the wire and the whole vein is gotten out through the cut close to the crotch.
Phlebectomy: In this methodology, a few tiny cuts (only a couple of millimeters wide) are made along the impacted vein. A little snare is then used to haul the vein out of these cuts quite far. The vein is then cut and taken out in a few pieces. This procedure is essentially utilized for more modest veins, similar to those that branch off from bigger veins. It is intended to forestall the kind of scarring that can happen when greater cuts are made during different sorts of methodology.
Consult your doctor first, when the vein issue is severe.
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Varicose veins are crooked, knotty, bigger veins. Any superficial vein may end in varicose veins. Usually, these veins affect the legs. The main reason behind their occurrence is standing for prolonged sessions because the walking raises the pressure in the veins of the lower body area. Such conditions require treatment from a physician. What kind of doctor treats varicose veins? A vascular physician is trained and expert in handling all types of vein diseases efficiently.
How to prepare for an appointment?
You need not make any special preparations before your appointment. Your doctor will examine your bare legs and feet so that he can diagnose your condition properly. He or she will figure out what treatment is perfectly suitable for you.
What type of doctor treats varicose veins?
After evaluating your condition, your GP (General Physician) may refer you to a vein doctor that is called a phlebologist who treats vein conditions effectively.
In order to have a precise diagnosis, your doctor will conduct a physical exam including examining your legs while they are swollen. Your doctor may inquire about the pain in your legs.
He or she can also prescribe an ultrasound test to examine whether the vein valves are working properly or not. During this examination, a physician will use a small device that is similar to a soap size against your skin over the affected area to examine it properly. The transducer delivers the images of the veins in your legs to a monitor and your doctor will be able to see them.
If you don’t get satisfactory results from self-care treatments or compression stockings, your doctor may suggest medical treatments that are listed below:
During this method, your doctor injects small and medium-sized varicose veins utilizing a solution or foam. The solution further scars and seals the veins. After a few weeks, treated veins start fading.
It may be possible that the professional may need more injections to treat the diseased veins. Sclerotherapy does not require anaesthesia. The procedure may be practiced in the doctor’s office.
Foam sclerotherapy of large veins: This method is appropriate for the bigger varicose veins. The physician will use foam to close and seal the diseased veins.
Laser treatment: Vein doctors use this advanced technology to treat small varicose veins and spider veins. Laser treatments function by sending strong bursts of light onto the affected veins. No incisions and needles are used during the treatment.
Catheter-assisted procedures: This process is based on radiofrequency or laser energy. During the treatment, your doctor inserts a catheter into an enlarged vein. He or she heats up the tip of the catheter utilizing radiofrequency or laser energy. When the tube is pulled out the heat damages the vein by making it collapse and seal shut. This treatment is chosen for bigger varicose veins.
Other than that, High ligation and vein stripping is a surgical procedure that is utilized by the physician to eliminate deep veins through small incisions.
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Spider veins are one of the commonest conditions in which you notice red, blue, purple webs on the surface of your skin. These squiggly lines are harmless and usually don’t cause pain in the affected area. But people who are conscious about their looks or appearance choose to remove them on a permanent basis.
Treatments for spider veins:
You can’t get rid of spider veins with OTC (Over The Counter) medications, creams, or gels. Other DIY or at-home remedies only reduce the symptoms of spider veins but can’t eliminate them.
Medical procedures:
If you want to remove ugly veins from your body permanently, you should consider spider vein removal medical procedures. Laser treatment is one of the most effective and common spider vein removal treatments. People still have doubts, do spider veins come back after laser treatment? However, spider veins are eliminated permanently with laser technology but new spider veins might grow anywhere on the body.
Another most recommended spider vein removal treatment is sclerotherapy. A physician will inject a chemical solution directly into the spider veins making their sides stick together and blocking the blood flow through the diseased veins. Blood rearranges its route through the healthy veins. Eventually, the treated veins are absorbed by the body itself and fade away.
What is sclerotherapy?
Sclerotherapy is the commonest medical procedure used by physicians. They inject sclerosant solution into a diseased vein to entirely destroy it. The solution destroys the innermost lining of the vein ending in clot so that blood flow through the damaged veins may be obstructed.
Who is a good candidate for sclerotherapy?
People with venous insufficiency that is uncontrollable by the compression stockings or other home treatments and who are not fatty are considered the ideal candidate for sclerotherapy.
In order to decide if sclerotherapy can benefit the person with vascular disease, the physicians evaluate the site of defective veins and the venous drainage pattern as well. Healthy persons who have unsightly visible veins of size 4mm or less are also candidates for sclerotherapy.
What can go wrong with sclerotherapy?
Patients treated with sclerotherapy may experience dark spots over the injected area and it can end in hyperpigmentation. The reason for this is the disintegration of the red blood cells in the treated veins. In most cases, the skin discoloration fades away completely within six months.
Another potential risk after the treatment is the occurrence of new spider veins near the treated can happen with some patients but these new spider veins might disappear within six months.
Rare complications may include the development of an ulcer around the injection site or the development of small blood clots in the small surface veins.
Is sclerotherapy safe?
All medical procedures have some kind of risks that should be tackled carefully. Since sclerotherapy is repeatedly used to cure cosmetic problems. The physicians usually alert the patients about the unwanted side effects.
Does sclerotherapy hurt?
Since the procedure needs injections to treat the affected area, patients can experience slight pain of injections during the treatment. If the sclerosant is injected outside the veins accidentally, this causes more pain, therefore, the treatment should be conducted only by a vein specialist.
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