If you want to know, What doctor treats varicose veins? Here is some basic information about what kind of doctor treats varicose veins.
doctor specializing in vein conditions is generally called a
phlebologist, a vascular surgeon, or a doctor who can treat skin
conditions. A varicose vein may not cause discomfort or pain, so you
might not need surgery. Treatment for varicose veins is only required if
you have severe leg pain and itching, discoloration, or swelling.
Sometimes varicose veins are treated at home with :
- Your doctor is going to suggest you use compression stockings.
- Dont walk for a far distance.
- You need to exercise daily to stimulate circulation.
- Avoid standing for too long.
What is stripping for varicose veins?
stripping is a procedure of permanently removing varicose veins from
the legs by minor cosmetic surgery. The most intrusive option of
treating the varicose vein and removing it from the legs always requires
general anesthesia and some little stitches.
Through this procedure, the entire affected vein is removed from your leg.Although it is an excellent option to choose to strip for varicose veins to reduce the risk of repetition.
Moreover, other treatment options for varicose veins use only local anesthesia.For instance, ambulatory phlebectomy, foam sclerotherapy, laser treatments, and RF energy.Varicose
veins appear underneath the skin because of chronic venous
insufficiency. Varicose veins cause improper flow of blood from the
blood vessels, which makes a blood pool in the veins. This generally
appears in the leg area.
the stripping, you may need a few weeks to recover, but it's okay. You
will definitely require some rest to get relief from the pain, don't
just jump to your working schedule. Avoid standing for too long or
Why are vein ligation and stripping done?
of veins is generally treated on large varicose veins. Therefore,
sometimes it is done to prevent venous skin ulcers from returning to the
skin after the treatment. It manually takes 1 hr to complete the
surgery.During the procedure, you may receive a :
- In general anesthesia, you may fall asleep and be unable to feel the pain.
- The spinal anesthesia will numb the lower half body, and maybe you will get some medicine to make you feel better and relaxed.
During Surgery:
- Your surgeon will make 2 to 3 cuts on your leg during surgery.
- These cuts are near the top, middle, or bottom of your damaged vein in the leg.
The cuts will be either in your calf or in your ankle.
- The surgeon will guide the thin thread, flexible plastic wire into the vein through the groin.
- Like this, the surgeon will pull the tied vein through the lower cut in your leg.
- The surgeon will remove the small vein near the surface of your skin.
- After removing the veins, the surgeon will close the cuts with stitches.
- The surgeon will tell you to wear compression stockings and bandages on your leg after the surgery.
Surgery is essential for varicose veins but consult your surgeon and ask about the procedure.
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