What Kind of Specialist Treats Varicose Veins?
Common Questions To Ask Your Doctor About Varicose Veins
What Type Of Doctor Treats Varicose
What Kind Of Specialists Treats Varicose Veins?

Suppose the appearance of your veins is bothering you, or you are experiencing uncomfortable symptoms. In that case, you should consult a professional treating vascular issues. Timely treatment by an experienced and skilled vein expert can save you from severe and painful varicose veins. What kind of doctor specializes in veins? Continue reading to find out.

Vein specialists

What Doctor Treats Varicose Veins? A doctor who focuses on treating venous insufficiency, the underlying cause of varicose veins, is known as a vein specialist. Ideally, your vein specialist should have had formal training in endovenous techniques during their residency and fellowship training. Vein specialists that are qualified will have received training in vascular surgery, interventional radiology, or interventional cardiology.

Board certification in one of these disciplines, which is easily accessible to discriminating patients, results in recognition of competency. There is no systematic training in surgery or minimally invasive endovascular procedures for other specialties such as pain management, internal medicine, or family medicine. They have earned their board qualifications but not in treating varicose veins.

Vascular surgeons

Vascular surgeons have special training backgrounds in managing the venous and arterial vascular disease. The vascular surgeons must complete their five years of general surgery training after the 2 years in sub-specialty training for vascular medicine. To do so, vascular surgeons must undergo tough training in diagnosing and managing severe surgical diseases, including endovascular, minimally invasive methods and technques. Interventional radiology and cardiology fellowships often work hand in hand with the vascular surgery program to offer detailed training for trainees. Vascular surgery fellows who complete the training program will be evaluated for ABMS board certification to show their proficiency in treating venous and arterial disorders. This involves becoming acknowledged as a board-certified specialist in the diagnosis and treatment of harmful varicose veins.


The educational backgrounds of phlebologists range from general surgery to internal medicine, pain management to cardiologists, and even vascular surgery. Without completing conventional vascular medicine training programs, phlebologists who earn this certification can become "board certified" by passing a written exam. As previously mentioned, the only way to receive formal training in the vascular system is to complete a fellowship in vascular surgery, cardiology, or interventional radiology.

Years of supervised teaching are given to students in these programs, where they gain technical proficiency in the endovascular procedure. This degree of training is not offered by other residency programs in internal medicine, pain management, or family medicine because it is outside the purview of their practice areas.

When should we look for a vein specialist?

If you feel any throbbing, burning, heaviness, or pain in your legs, these signs indicate you need treatment from a vein specialist. One of the most apparent symptoms of vascular issues such as chronic venous insufficiency is heavy legs, particularly (CVI). Varicose veins and blood clots are the typical reasons for CVI. Even though it might not initially be a significant condition, it could later result in serious complications or diseases such as venous stasis ulcers and other circulatory system issues. Vein discoloration is another sign of vein disease.


The above article will help you learn some beneficial aspects and information regarding vein treatment. For more valuable details, please visit veintreatmentca.com.

Article Source : https://www.worldofarticles.com/what-kind-of-specialists-treats-varicose-veins/

How To Get Rid Of Spider Veins?

Are your varicose veins not going? You are seeing them again in your leg. Spider veins are not harmful but treating them is necessary; some people do not find difficulty with spider veins. But they may make you embarrassed, those irritating and unattractive spider veins. They slightly appear around your ankles or thighs and strive for treatment. New spider veins appear, and it seems like the old ones are returning, but they’re not.

Do spider veins come back after laser treatment? Your confusion may have been resolved now, so they are the new ones that are coming back and not the older ones,

Treatment for spider veins:

To treat these small web-like spider veins, your doctor will use laser treatment to eliminate spider veins from your legs. They are tiny but are visible veins that emerge anywhere on the body, even the face. Your dermatologist uses laser treatment to destroy it. The dermatologist makes a small cut in the skin, inserts a laser fiber or catheter into the vein, and heats the affected veins. Soon the vein collapses from the legs and closes off. Your doctor will then provide you with a compression stocking and allow you to go home after reviewing your condition. These veins are dilated blood vessels that work to carry all the nutrients and oxygen to the tissues in the body and remove all waste products.These veins tend to bulge, form a branch structure, and splits like a spider web, and the term developed “spider veins.” They are not always painful or harmful; they are ugly and appear as a deep blur to reddish, which looks terrible. Treating is necessary as they can eventually lead to varicose veins. Varicose veins can be uncomfortable and very painful and lead to aching and heaviness in the legs and feet, bulge, itching, and oozing from the affected area.

Reasons Spider Veins Return

Spider veins can return due to several reasons. They return, but the new fresh veins appear not the older ones, and develop in the same area. Reasons, why spider veins return in the same area, include:
  • The leading cause of spider veins returning is venous insufficiency. The untreated veins cause the development of new spider veins.
  • When a body doesn’t adequately restrain new vein building
  • If the person continues with activities that can cause spider veins to reoccur, such as sitting or standing for an extended period or staying obese.
  • Or they are not appropriately treated.
  • One reason can be genetics.

About Insurance

Varicose veins are sometimes considered a cosmetic issue, but it is not; people do not take treatment because of assuming the cost is out of reach. But if you are facing such vein diseases, you must treat them on time; it will cost less but may cost more after the disease increases and worsens.

Are varicose vein treatments covered by insurance? Many people don’t know about insurance. Suppose you are also experiencing pain, itchiness, cramps, or swelling in the legs. In that case, you can talk to your health provider for insurance coverage.

It is necessary to look for insurance if you are experiencing vein disease. It is beneficial to reduce the cost.

How Can You Control Spider Veins from Recurring?

You need to follow some daily routine and, keep your legs elevated, perform activities such as:Keep doing regular exercise and walking.
Stay up to a healthy diet and maintain a healthy weight. Always wear your compression stockings or socks to keep the blood circulation good. If you want to learn more about spider veins, read:

In Conclusion:

These accessible activities and following them regularly can keep you healthy and can prevent spider veins from recurring. Contact your doctor or visit if you have severe pain or discomfort in your legs.
Article Source : https://www.spiceupblogging.com/how-to-get-rid-of-spider-veins/
What Can A Vascular Doctor Do?

A vein disease is something that makes you rush to a vascular doctor. So if you suffer from varicose veins, you need to see a vein center. Now, What is a vein center? You may come up with this question, so here's the answer a vein center is the department of Cardiovascular Associates specializes in vein disease and treats them with the latest treatment options.

So, your general doctor will probably refer you to a vein venter with a vein care specialist who will advise the treatment options if needed.

Veins in your body play a significant role in the circulatory system as they're the blood vessels that carry the blood that's low in oxygen to the heart and lungs. What type of doctor treats varicose veins? A Vascular doctor can treat your veins diseases that include:

Diagnosing Vascular Disease

When you visit your vein clinic, your vascular surgeon will perform a physical examination and discuss your medical history, lifestyle, and signs to make a diagnosis. Your surgeon may pursue further tests if necessary. Your doctor may inspect the blood pressure in your arms and ankles and compare them in this evaluation. Many disorders can be diagnosed using ultrasound technology. This examination, frequently used to identify aneurysms, carotid artery disease, and varicose veins create pictures of your blood vessels using sound waves.

Treating Vascular Disease

Your surgeon will plan a treatment for you according to your needs. It depends on the issues you have and how severe they are; this includes the following:
  • Some changes in your daily lifestyle, like quitting smoking, staying more active, and preferring healthy meals.
  • Ask your doctor for medicines that lower your risk of blood clots.
  • Use Compression stocking therapy to help manage symptoms like pain and swelling and increase blood flow.
  • Sclerotherapy treatment is suitable for closing the veins and fading them away.
  • Thrombolysis treatment dissolves harmful blood clots either through injections or a catheter.
  • You can also go for surgery to remove damaged or diseased veins.

What Conditions Do Vascular Surgeons Treat?

A vascular surgeon can treat many conditions that damage the blood vessels in every aspect of your body, leaving your heart and brain. Vascular surgeons have training in diagnosing and managing veins disease affecting all parts of the vascular system, except ailments that affect the vessels within the heart and brain. Vascular surgeons help aid patients with various conditions concerning the arteries and veins. They treat complications from:
  • diabetes,
  • blockages in the arteries or veins,
  • blood clots,
  • aneurysms,
  • varicose veins
  • and many other vascular diseases.

They have training in open, complex surgery and minimally interfering endovascular methods. Everyone needs different types of surgery, and some require no surgery. They give the best treatment acknowledging your condition. These conditions include:
  • Aneurysm a swelling or weakening of the artery
  • Atherosclerosis, or hardening of the arteries, is where plaque forms on your artery walls, causing veins to block.
  • Deep vein thrombosis (DVT) forms blood clots in a vein deep underneath your skin surface.
  • Spider veins, or small webs-like structures of veins just below the skin's surface.
  • Varicose veins, or enlarged, twisted veins, bulging on the skin can cause pain or discomfort in your legs, ankles, or feet.
  • Ulcerations and not healing wounds occur due to poor blood flow, especially in the legs.

In Conclusion:

Visit your doctor or a vein specialist for vein disease; better to treat them before they worsen.Call your doctor for more information.Article Source : https://www.articleentry.com/what-can-a-vascular-doctor-do/

What are the skin signs of venous insufficiency?

Chronic venous insufficiency appears when the veins in your leg don't allow blood to flow back to your heart. Generally, the valves in your veins ensure that blood flows toward your heart. But when these valves don't work sufficiently and correctly, the blood begins to flow backward. This causes blood to gather in your legs and becomes the reason for vein diseases. Venous insufficiency can influence the skin on the legs, ankles, and feet in different ways and may cause the following symptoms:
  1. Pain in leg, ankle, or feet.
  2. Red, brown, or purple skin on the impacted area.
  3. Irritation or inflammation on the skin.
  4. Skin hardening.
  5. A dry, painful and hard skin that can bleed.
  6. Ulceration or open sores

How does venous insufficiency impact the skin?

Pooling of blood in the veins and dripping of fluids eventually cause skin discoloration in the legs. Venous insufficiency can cause discoloration in the legs, and instead of blood flowing back to the heart, it begins to pool in the vein. As the blood pools in veins, the pressure causes veins inside to build and cause the veins to leak. This icky fluid troubles and inflames the surrounding tissue, which results in painful, discolored, and severe skin diseases.

Want to know what "Varicose vein specialist is called?" A vascular surgeon diagnoses and treats the conditions in your arteries and veins also called blood vessels. These specialists treat various health problems, from spider and varicose veins.

Treatment may include:

  1. Improving the blood flow in your leg veins
Holding your legs raised high can reduce swelling and help increase blood flow in your veins. Wearing compression stockings may also help reduce pain, and regular exercise can enhance blood flow.
  1. Medicines.
Your vein specialist may prescribe you medicines that will help increase the blood flow through the vessels, and you can use them along with compression therapy to help heal your leg ulcers. Your doctor may suggest aspirin to assist in healing ulcers.
  1. Sclerotherapy
Your doctor may use this treatment sclerotherapy if your vein disease is more serious. The doctor injects a chemical into the affected veins. This chemical causes scarring in the veins, so they can no longer carry blood, and the other veins carry blood to the heart. The body absorbs the scarred veins.
  1. Surgery
Your specialist will perform surgery only when no option is left or if the patient wants surgery. The impacted vein is bounded so that blood can no longer flow through it. If the vein or its valves are laboriously damaged, your doctor will remove that vein, which is called vein stripping.

"How Largely Does Varicose Vein Treatment Cost?" there are several ways of treating vein disease depending on what treatment you will require for your vein disease, varicose vein, or spider veins.

Costs If You Have Insurance

An insurance company will usually pay for your initial consult. Some plans may require a referral from your primary doctor. During that consult, your vein doctor assesses your situation and takes notes. Your doctor may need to take pictures of your legs or the affected area to document the severity of the disease.Your doctor will then send this data securely to your insurance company for initial approval. A medical head of the insurance company reviews the notes from your vein doctor to see if the procedure meets the medically necessary standards.


Vein diseases are common and relatively easy to treat in this modern world, but if monitored at the right time. Treating vein diseases can save your well-being. Consult your vein specialist and make an appointment to treat your vein disease.

Article Source : https://www.healthymindz.com/what-are-the-skin-signs-of-venous-insufficiency/

What Kind of Specialist Treats Varicose Veins?

A Vein Surgeon is a Specialist who Treats Varicose Veins. A vein surgeon is a talented doctor trained to execute surgical procedures for removing varicose veins. The vein surgeon uses general anesthesia to make an incision in the injured area of the leg and remove all affected veins. This procedure usually requires a long day at the hospital.

What are the Risk factors?

The risk factors include:
  1. Gender:
It is generally said that women have slightly more risk than men of having veins issues, and women above 50 or older tend to have more risk issues of veins.
  1. Genetics:
Sometimes vein disease can occur due to family history.
  1. Pregnancy:
Pregnancy can cause women to have vein disease as the blood flow increases during pregnancy, and the extra weight of the fetus on the leg can cause vein disease.
  1. Overweight:
Sometimes being overweight can be an issue for varicose veins because being overweight adds all the pressure on the leg veins and causes vein disease.
  1. Past vein damage or clots:
If you have a history of blood clots or vein damage, then it can be a reason for vein disease. It enables the valves to work properly.

  1. Age:
This is common as you age, veins become weak, and the calf of the muscles becomes inefficient, which enables the blood to pump upwards properly, which supports the veins.der veins. This is because estrogen can weaken vein valves.
  1. Sitting or standing continuously:
Sitting or standing can also be a reason to have varicose veins. A person standing or sitting for more than 4 hrs enables the legs to pump the blood upward towards the heart.
  1. Sun damage:
It can be a reason for vein disease as the UV light from the sun can damage the skin.


If you visit for a routine examination and your physician suspects varicose veins. Your doctor will recommend you see a vascular specialist to diagnose further treatment. You might think, What Doctor Treats Varicose Veins?

A General Surgeon or a Vascular Medicine Surgeon is the one who will perform the surgery for varicose veins.ULTRASONOGRAPHY is an easy, noninvasive test with sound waves to examine the veins and determine if the valves are usually working. After the surgery, the test is repeated once to check the successful closure of the vein and ensure no clots are left in the deep veins. You may experience pain and discomfort during the surgery because of the probe pushing on the leg. You can eat and continue your regular activities.


Schedule your consultation for the best treatment of varicose veins today. Varicose veins can be dangerous if not treated on time. After the treatment, you should exercise for at least 10 minutes to continue blood flow. Walk for 1 hr and remember to take it slow. Do stretches as soon as you reach home. These activities reduce the risk of blood clotting. Do little exercise daily to feel strong.Consult with your doctor about the activities you can do at home.