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What Is Vein Ligation & Stripping?

Treating vein disease is essential; veins carry blood in your body, and when these veins stop working correctly, they can cause severe health issues. Varicose or spider veins are the most common vein disease in the legs, ankles, and feet. To prevent these diseases,s doctors use the method of vein ligation and stripping; this is the procedure of removing severely damaged veins from the legs.

You may ask, "What kind of doctor treats varicose veins" A doctor who specializes in veins, a phlebologist, or a vascular surgeon can treat your varicose veins.

Once the surgeon removes the damaged vein, the other healthy veins take the job and carry the blood to the different parts of your legs. In this procedure, the doctor surgically ties veins to prevent blood clots. This surgery helps treat varicose veins and prevent them from coming back.

Not treating this disease can lead to dangerous blood clots and other vein-related problems. Your doctor may recommend vein ligation or vein stripping to help prevent these difficulties. If you think, "How much does it cost to get your veins stripped?" Vein stripping is costly but also depends on the number of veins stripping.

But now, there are more minimally invasive methods to treat varicose veins.

What happens during varicose vein surgery?

During the procedure, your doctor will give you anesthesia to keep you from feeling pain. This procedure may take one to two hours to complete the process. Your vascular surgeon will make two slight incisions on your legs at the top of the affected area of the damaged vein and another in the thigh or calf of your leg.After giving the small cut, your surgeon will bind the top of the affected vein to stop blood flow through it. A thin, flexible tool is threaded through the damaged vein. With this tool, your surgeon will pull the vein entirely out of your leg via the cut at the bottom of the vein.Your surgeon can also use endovenous thermal ablation to remove the veins. This new technique uses heat or laser energy to shut off the varicose veins working. This procedure is performed in the provider's office; you may need to drive and go.


During recovery, you need to take some care, and exercise is necessary. Your doctor may provide compression stockings and advise you to wear them for about two to four weeks after the surgery while healing. Your healing process can vary depending on the number of veins stripped from your legs.

Signs of Healing After Surgery

Minor pain after the vein ligation is common that everyone feels. If necessary, you can take over-the-counter pain relievers to control the pain. With the medicines, your pain may get better as your legs heal.

You may also experience some bruising in the affected area after the surgery. As many people experience bruising, it is common. They will heal within 2 to 3 weeks as you heal.
Your stitches will also fade away within 2 to 3 weeks.

Resuming Daily Activities

After the surgery, you can continue working on your daily activities. You can walk around for a few minutes on your balcony or terrace or ask your friend or family member for a morning walk.
These activities help circulate blood actively in your body and keep blood flowing. Keep your legs elevated as much as possible; it aids in healing.

In conclusion:

Keeping your legs in movement keeps the blood flowing and allows fast healing. But do not do any strenuous exercise, such as lifting heavy objects. Talk to your doctor about when to resume a full working schedule.
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Do Varicose Veins Come Back After Treatment?

Varicose veins treatment comes with various benefits. From alleviating pain to increasing mobility and less itching and other signs. You wanted those changes to be permanent, so you can’t help but wonder if varicose veins come back after the treatment. Most successfully treated varicose veins don’t return. However, it is possible to form new varicose veins. You should know what would happen if varicose veins aren’t treated properly. Do spider veins come back after laser treatment?

What to expect from poor varicose veins treatment?

Veins specialists who aren’t vein specialists often make mistakes when treating varicose veins. Because many fail to treat the source of varicose veins, also, they might improve for a brief time. Still, without diagnosing the underlying problem, patients won’t find any relief, and varicose veins return. The veins specialists use ultrasound to treat veins and related issues. They also treat various underlying conditions, preventing varicose veins from returning. Veins specialist recommended treatments, including radiofrequency ablation, endovenous laser, and sclerotherapy. Thus you should consider visiting a vascular surgeon if you find colorful veins around your legs and swelling or pain.

Because sometimes doctors also pick the wrong treatment for varicose veins. Usually, the doctor picks veins stripping treatment to remove damaged veins. Because when the veins are removed, the body’s natural healing process won’t work enough, leading them to regrow. This process is called post-operative neovascularization. However, the new veins don’t have valves and cause the varicose veins again. Performing more accessible, minimally invasive, and outpatients procedure avoids significant causes of recurrent varicose veins. You can resume normal activities usually the same day, and this treatment usually takes less than 30 minutes.

How hereditary and lifestyle can cause varicose veins?

If you have a past history of varicose veins, you are more likely to get them back after the treatment. These won’t be the same, but your body forms new ones. The best way to prevent signs of varicose veins is to be cautious and follow up or treat your veins before they worsen. People with significant history should have surveillance and treatment because varicose veins are a lifelong commitment for them.

There are also lifestyle factors that can cause new varicose veins after the treatment. You may increase the risk of redeveloping varicose veins if you are obese, smoke, or sit and stand for prolonged periods. A veins specialist can help you reduce the risk of varicose veins forming. However, the question may revolve around, are varicose vein treatments covered by insurance.

Does Insurance cover Varicose Vein Treatments?

Varicose veins necessitate medical procedures and are covered by insurance. Because many patients experience discomfort and painful symptoms like swelling, itching, and sometimes bleeding, your condition may worsen if left untreated.


If you get varicose veins treated recently, you should maintain a daily lifestyle and monitor your legs to get gid for recurring varicose veins. Also, visiting a vascular surgeon will help your condition.
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Is Varicose Vein Stripping Safe?

Varicose vein stripping is a procedure that removes damaged veins from your legs or thighs. Varicose veins are puffy, twisted, and colorful veins that you can see under the skin. They usually have red or bluish-purple color veins. Varicose veins often appear on your legs, but they may develop on other parts of your body.

Varicose veins stripping treats varicose veins and helps prevent them from coming back. This procedure is known as stripping with ligation, avulsion, or ablation. But How much does it cost to get your veins stripped? Ligation and stripping for varicose veins treatment may cost anywhere from $1,500 to $3,000; also, it may vary due to the location and severity of the treatment.

Why is varicose vein stripping done?

Your doctor may recommend varicose veins stripping if you’re experiencing:
  • If you feel constant pain, throbbing, and tenderness in your longer legs
  • skin sores and ulcers
  • blood clotting
  • Heavy bleeding from the veins
A vein stripping procedure may also be done if you’re concerned about the aesthetic appearance of your legs. You should see a doctor for varicose veins stripping procedure.

How do I prepare for varicose vein stripping?

Your varicose veins specialist performs a physical examination before the treatment. They will also help determine the non-working valve locations. Your doctor may also use handheld ultrasound devices to see your veins and valves. They may also recommend a duplex scan, which provides a clear image of your damaged veins and monitors the amount of blood flow in them. This test also rules out any clots, or thromboses, in the veins. Before the treatment, you must tell your doctor about any history of medication and disease you’re on. Then your doctor may ask you to stop certain medications temporarily, as some may cause heavy bleeding and swelling during the stripping procedure.

You should also arrange for a friend or family member who can drive you home after the procedure because varicose veins stripping is often performed under general anesthesia. What kind of doctor treats varicose veins?

Vein Surgeon – A veins surgeon is an expert doctor who specializes in conducting surgical procedures to remove varicose veins. They use and administrate local anesthetic to numb the affected area and make an incision to remove and clean the damaged veins. So consider visiting a doctor to know the best treatment for varicose veins.

What are the risks associated with varicose vein stripping?

Varicose vein stripping is a safer, low-risk surgical procedure. However, there are always risks associated with surgical procedures. These include ;
  • An allergic reaction to the sedation procedure
  • Infection in the treated area
  • Heavy bleeding
  • Blood clotting may be possible
  • Bruising or scarring
  • Nerve injury during the treatment


Suppose you are suffering from varicose veins and have heavy swelling and pain in your lower legs. It would be best if you considered visiting a doctor to learn more about the surgical procedure and its pros and cons.
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Can Varicose Veins Treat Without Surgery?

More than one-third of adults in the USA are affected with varicose veins at some point in their lives, and most times, the cause is genetic. Varicose veins can be harmless; however, swollen, twisted, and bulging veins in the legs should be treated because they are the signs of cosmetic concern or inevitable aging signs. If left untreated, varicose veins can lead to serious medical issues. However, What Doctor Treats Varicose Veins?

When to seek a varicose specialist?

The main purpose of veins is to send blood against the gravity from your legs to the heart. But, if your veins don’t perform properly, the blood may flow in the opposite direction because the one-way valves in the veins fail. This causes blood pooling in the extremities and causes symptoms such as itching, swelling, cramping, or skin discoloration.

This situation is called venous reflux and leads to numerous issues beyond varicose veins, including chronic swelling, ulcers, and bleeding. Sometimes, a person may show no signs of venous disease but still have symptoms.

Diagnosis for varicose veins

What is a vein center? When you seek treatment for varicose veins, you should choose a board-certified vascular surgeon who specializes in treating the body’s vascular system. A diagnosis begins with a monitoring of history, then a physical examination and an ultrasound, which will help evaluate the condition of veins below the skin’s surface.

What are the minimally invasive treatment options?

Treatment has significantly advanced in the past few decades, and no need for local anesthesia or large incisions to remove the veins problem. This procedure is known as vein stripping. Numerous minimally invasive options exist, and most problems, from the tiniest spider veins to more prominent varicose veins, can be treated with no surgery. Also, new techniques for varicose veins use heat, solution, gums, and injected into your veins.

Treatment for varicose veins is customized for every individual. Depending on your vein problems, your treatment may involve a single or a combination. Also, due to medical conditions, this procedure is covered under insurance; however, in the very least cases, the treatment is considered cosmetic.

Compression therapy is the most conservative treatment because compression stockings are designed to apply specific pressure to your legs to help with pain and swelling. This does not require any prescription.

Endovenous ablation is a technique that uses either laser energy or radiofrequency heat to kill the damaged veins and divert the flow from normal healthy veins.

Sclerotherapy involves using a little needle to inject a solution directly into the damaged veins and can cause them to contrast or collapse. These treatments are outpatients, and people can expect to resume routine activities within a day.


Suppose you have discolored veins, swelling, or discomfort in your legs. In that case, you should consider visiting a vascular surgeon for proper treatment and a thorough diagnosis.
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How to Prevent Varicose Veins?

Varicose veins develop with age, family history, pregnancy, obesity, hormonal replacement or contraception therapy, and prolonged sitting. Moreover, some risk factors, like family history or age, are harder to avoid than others. However, veins specialists treat your condition, but what is a vein specialist called? Is there any way to prevent varicose veins from forming?

Unfortunately, no. However, you can prevent existing varicose veins from becoming severe. Also, you can live a healthy lifestyle to delay problems with veins. You should do exercises such as stretching and sitting while elevating your legs and adobe thighs. Here are some more detailed explanations;

Avoid prolonged periods of sitting or standing.

Standing or sitting in one position for an extended period makes it harder for your blood to travel in opposite directions. This creates pressure in your veins and eventually causes blood to pool around your ankles, and your feet may get swollen and ache. However, moving around will decrease venous pressure and improve your blood circulation. If you have the sitting job for a long, you can consider such small exercises, such as:
  • Peddling your feet
  • Stretching
  • Blend your knees
You should consider elevating your legs at least three times a day, for 15 minutes at a time. Also, sit in a manner elevating your feet above the heart to break the gravity cycle, thus leading to better blood circulation and less ankle swelling.

Wear compression

Compression socks and stockings can help keep your veins valves in the proper position. This also makes it easier for the veins to function properly and reduces blood pooling, swelling, and pain.

You won’t feel night cramps after compression stockings and supports during the day. There are various types of socks, depending on your damaged condition. Therefore you should consider visiting a doctor to know the pros and cons of stockings. Also, if you ding not relive, make an appointment with the doctor for varicose veins treatment. What type of doctor treats varicose veins?

Although a few other doctors, such as cardiologists, phlebologists, dermatologists, and even general surgeons, can also help to treat varicose veins. Moreover, varicose veins doctors and radiologists have additional training, making them a better choice for diagnosis and treatment.

Live a healthy lifestyle.

Varicose veins can develop risk factors that can’t be influenced. This makes it essential to try and practice healthy lifestyle choices to eliminate further damage to your veins.
Obesity, with higher pressure inside your veins, is a mother for diseases. Therefore, you should consider eating a healthy diet based on carbohydrates, a sufficient amount of protein, and healthy fats. You can avoid foods high in salt, including high fiber and potassium. Moreover, drink enough water to hydrate your body and maintain healthy blood circulation properly.


If you have pain, itching, or swollen, on your lower legs, visit your doctor for a thorough diagnosis and proper treatment for the issue.
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Can you Prevent Spider Veins?

The best treatment for preventing spider veins is to stay fit and healthy, as no miracle medicine or treatment can prevent you from spider veins. To reduce the risk of developing spider veins, exercise regularly, move the legs, walk, eat a balanced diet with a quantity of fresh food, and maintain average healthy body weight. Keeping yourself weightless can keep you aside from vein disease. All of these may help you to avoid the return of spider veins, but eventually, it is still possible to get more spider veins, but new spider veins as the older ones destroy, but it could be many years before they are noticed.

Removing spider veins can be an option so that they do not return. You know, "How much does it cost to get your veins stripped?" The removal of damaged veins is called stripping. The cost of removing a vein can differ from person to person as everyone has different vein issues and symptoms. It also depends upon the location and the "What kind of doctor treats varicose veins?"

You can blame spider veins on your genetics and hereditary health aspects.
There are various therapy options for spider veins a person can try:

Laser Therapy

Your vein specialist will use Laser therapy that uses a laser that spreads heat directly to the skin surface and attacks the stain in the skin with heat, breaking up the stain particles and allowing the body to absorb these stain particles. This procedure is distressing and painful because the doctor uses a laser that applies heat directly to the skin, and over time spider veins fade and vanish. The other drawback is treating a small skin area takes a little longer. The most standard treatment for spider veins is Sclerotherapy.
Laser treatments use no injection but are typically less effective in reducing spider veins.


Sclerotherapy is a special spider vein treatment in which your vein specialist will insert a chemical directly into your damaged veins. This sclerotherapy injection induces a reaction that allows the vein to scar slowly, and the body then absorbs the injured veins. The main advantage of using Sclerotherapy over laser therapy is that it requires less time to treat the spider veins, and you feel no pain during the treatment. Helping the blood to flow normally and causing the spider vein to fade or disappear with time.

Although commonly harmless, spider veins can cause discomfort and pain. Some people desire to treat or remove them for cosmetic reasons.

Compression stockings or socks

Wearing compression stockings or socks can place pressure on the veins in the lower legs as it squeezes the leg and does not allow blood to clot. This pressure helps in allowing the blood to flow and prevent further spider or varicose veins from reoccurring. It also helps in relieving leg swelling and lowers the risk of blood clots in the legs.


Although more prominent varicose veins can need some surgical treatments that can be more effective but vein specialists commonly do not conduct them on spider veins.Conclusion:Doctors proved Sclerotherapy is the best treatment for spider veins, with many advantages of treating spider veins and getting the desired results. Spider and varicose veins are very similar but smaller, and removing them is easy. If you have spider or varicose veins starting to bother you, consider your vein specialist and consult your disease and pain.
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What are The Symptoms of Venous Disease?

Veins are thin-wall-like structures that keep blood flowing in one direction inside a set of valves. These damaged vein walls interfere with the circulatory system and allow blood to pool and flow backward when the muscles are resting. This begins an unusually high-pressure buildup in the veins. This buildup causes additional stretching and twisting of the veins, increasing swelling, lagging (slow) blood flow, and blood clot formation. Someday, this condition may lead to different conditions known as venous disease.

The main Symptoms include:

When you do not feel any pain, the signs of varicose veins may include:
  1. Veins will change into dark purple or blue if you have varicose veins.
  2. The appearance of veins feels twisted and bulging.

When painful signs and symptoms occur, they might include:
  1. Tiredness or heavy feeling in the legs.
  2. Experiencing burning, throbbing, muscle cramping, and swelling in legs.
  3. Unbearable pain after sitting or standing for a long time.
  4. Itching in one or more of the veins.
  5. A slight change in skin color around a varicose vein.
The symptoms of spider veins are similar to varicose veins, but they appear smaller in size. Spider veins appear to be red or blue and occur near the skin. These can occur on the legs and the face, constantly looking like a spider's web.

"What Doctor Treats Varicose Veins?" Or "What kind of doctor specializes in veins?"

The Vein specialist is a doctor who can treat vein diseases in a Cardiovascular Associates unit specializing in treating vein disease. A medical physician specializing in venous deficiency is a vein specialist, and Varicose veins are the underlying condition for venous insufficiency.

Surgical alternatives for treating varicose veins include the following:

Sclerotherapy is an option for varicose veins. In this procedure, the vein specialist injects a small to medium size chemical solution that scars those varicose veins. This process helps close the damaged veins and forces your blood to forward to healthier blood vessels.Laser therapy and other developing technologies are among the substitute alternatives.Surgical ligation is tying off the vein and removing (stripping) the varicose vein, which is the definitive therapy in extreme cases, and the other veins balance for the missing ones.

Non-surgical care for thrombophlebitis may include:

If thrombophlebitis is the diagnosis, your specialist will advise you to be up and active for your following appointments. Your specialist will also check your disease frequently to ensure that no blood clot is progressing.Patients who suffer from deep-vein thrombophlebitis may need hospitalization, though some patients can be seen on an outpatient basis. A patient must take bed rest, and elevation of the affected limb are vital. Your doctor will prescribe an anti-clotting prescription, to be given intravenously for seven to ten days, and offers outpatients anti-clotting pills.The doctor may plant a small filter in the central vein of your waistline to deter clotting in the legs from going to the lung.


Therefore, your doctor may recommend special elastic support stockings to prevent blood from pooling in the veins. These are enlarged veins that can cause itching, pain, and swelling in the legs. You may consult your doctor for the best treatment to diagnose these veins. Article Source :
Why Spider Veins Appear And How do Vein Specialists Treat Them?

Treating Spider veins options can vary from self-care to minor surgery.

What is a vein specialist called?”A phlebologist or a vein specialist diagnoses and treats a patient with specific conditions like vein diseases like spider veins and varicose veins. A specialist may use one or more treatments to cure vein disease.

Your vein specialist will give you tips for improving your circulation. There are many tips like ExerciseExercise daily, elevate your legs, dont sit or stand for too long, take a break for 30 minutes, and avoid soaking in hot baths for a long time.

Still coming up with the question, “Do spider veins come back after laser treatment?”

Maintaining a healthy life can lower the risk of arising them again, and self-care tips can help prevent vein diseases like varicose and spider veins.

How Compression stockings can benefit you:

Wearing compression stockings can apply controllable constant pressure to keep the blood moving back to your heart and forming blood clots. The continuous pressure helps lessen the swelling in your lower legs and lowers the risk of obtaining a blood clot.
If your specialist advises you on compression stockings, the specialist will examine you first to get the proper size and correct amount of pressure. Your vein specialist will place a compression stocking on each leg, and your doctor will observe for a time and then be able to go home.To avoid side effects, you must wear the stockings daily, take daily walks, and wear compression stockings as your specialist advises. You can wear compression stockings for 2 to 3 weeks and return to your daily work and most activities the next day. Spider veins usually vanish in 3 to 6 weeks, and Varicose veins take 3 to 4 months.


You need to take 2 or 3 treatments to get the best results. A vein specialist can accomplish these treatments during an office visit, and no anesthesia is required.Factors that develop the risk of spider veins include:
  1. Gaining extra weight or having excess weight can pressure the veins and cause them to develop into spider veins.
  2. Age can also be a factor that can cause spider veins, but they don’t exist only in older people. This is because vein valves have more significant wear and tear over time, making it more difficult for blood to flow appropriately, resulting in blood pooling.
  3. Pregnancy can be a reason as the mother support a baby during pregnancy carrying it for 9 months. This can put a lot of weight on the legs and cause vein disease.
  4. Genetic changes increase the spread of spider veins if others in the family suffer from them.
Sedentary lifestyle. Sitting or standing for extended periods limits blood flow, which can pool blood.
Gender. Due to hormonal changes women often experience during pregnancy and menopause, spider veins are more likely to occur in women.

Some spider vein risk factors cannot be avoided, but there are ways you can reduce the risk:

  1. Regular ExerciseExercise and movement can help to promote a healthy blood flow. Just walking for a few hours can improve your vein health.
  2. With a healthy diet and eating healthy food full of fiber and low in salt, processed foods, and sugar, vein health can improve.
  3. Avoid too long sitting and standing, by switching up positions often or taking a quick walk can lower the risk of spider veins.


Taking good care of your health and regular Exercise can help you benefit from spider veins. Your specialist will recommend you the best to cure it.Article Source :

When to see a vein specialist?

If you have vein problems, don't know if they're brutal enough to affirm a visit to a vein specialist. Without the ability to properly function, your veins cannot perform their duty. And this can lead to some extreme difficulties for you in your future. And trust us, you will never want such vein problems to interrupt your health.So how do you learn that when it's time to see a vein specialist? We are here to help you answer that.

What is a varicose vein specialist called?

Interventional radiologist – A Doctor who ministers to varicose veins is called an Interventional radiologist. You can treat varicose veins with a healthcare practitioner who excels in the minimally invasive treatment of varicose veins. Your well-trained doctor uses a live duplex ultrasound scan to analyze and diagnose the damaged veins. Ultrasound machines have a computer console, video monitor, and a connected transducer to treat them. The minimally invasive laser treatment is manageable, painless, and more efficient. Laser treatments for varicose veins take less time and are easygoing.

Dont try to misjudge Vein's Pain. It is something that can be severe and can carry significant health issues. Your veins play an essential role in your body and help communicate blood through blood vessels, and they pump the blood circulating throughout your body back up to your heart.

Does insurance cover varicose vein treatments?

Patients' most common question is, are varicose vein treatments covered by insurance? It is essential to review your medical policy before starting any medication.

Varicose veins need medical treatment and usually cover insurance. Numerous patients undergo discomfort, stress, and painful symptoms due to varicose veins. Your Pain can worsen if left untreated and may cause further damage to your health. In severe cases, varicose veins can be debilitating. These symptoms can include itching, swelling, cramping, throbbing, or aching and are often worse at the end of the day.In the case of varicose veins, it is crucial to strive for medical help. If not treated, this problem can lead to leg ulcers, blood clots, or circulation problems. Your surgeon will recommend you wear compression stockings that will help you in promoting blood flow. Generally, medical treatment is the only way to eradicate the varicose Vein, but simple care at home can help restore your vein health quickly. Treating varicose veins on the right is better than spoiling the condition to the extreme. For these causes, your healthcare provider will probably cover the expense of your procedure.


It would help if you told your surgeon about the recent illness you are facing, allergies, and medical conditions so that your surgeon can briefly comprehend your situation. Suppose you take any medications, including herbal or other supplements and aspirin. Dont miss any medications to list your doctor before the surgery. If needed, your surgeon will tell you to stop any medicine, aspirin, or any other drug before your varicose vein surgery begins. Dont wear any jewelry or heavy clothes. Wear some loose and comfortable clothing.