Varicose veins are defective veins that become twisted in blue or purple-colored bulging under the skin’s surface. Generally, they don’t cause severe health issues. But if the veins are painful and bleeding, the area becomes inflamed producing an ugly appearance. In such cases, opt for vein treatments by a vein doctor San Diego to get expected results.
Difference between varicose veins and spider veins:
Varicose veins and Spider veins are classified under both types of venous disease but their appearance is different. Spider veins are smaller and thinner in size than varicose veins. Their appearance is either red or blue. Moreover, they resemble the appearance of spider web branches of a tree and they can be noticed near the skin’s surface. Get varicose vein treatment near me to get rid of unsightly veins. Usually, spider veins are not painful. They can be noticed on any part of the body. But most often they are noticed behind the knee, on the feet, or on the face. If the spider veins spoiling your physical appearance consider veins treatment California.Risk Factors:
People of any age are prone to have varicose veins but women are considered more likely to have them due to their hormonal imbalance. Some of the certain factors are discussed below:Age:
When people are over age, vein walls and valves don’t function properly as they used to before. It is so because veins lose elasticity with the passage of time.Gender:
Female hormones let the vein walls be more stretched and enlarged than before. Also, women who are pregnant or who take contraceptive pills, or going through menopause have higher chances of varicose veins due to the changes in hormone levels.Family history: This problem is genetic and passes from generation to generation.
Lifestyle: Sometimes people have to stand or sit for extended periods resulting in unhealthy blood flow.
Overall health:
Some specific health conditions like extensive constipation, tumors, or increased blood pressure can affect healthy veins in a certain way.Weight:
Additional weight puts extra weight on blood vessels.Get additional information about these abnormal veins from vein doctor san Diego,
How common are varicose veins?
Varicose veins are very common issues among people. One-third of all adults are prone to varicose veins.What are the symptoms of varicose veins?
Varicose veins can be identified when their color is blue, or purple and they are just below the skin’s surface.Symptoms include:
Bulging veins:
When the veins are twisted and swollen, resemble the appearance of ropes. They can be seen just below the surface of the skin of the legs, ankles, and feet. Sometimes they are noticed in the forms of clusters.Heavy legs: You can experience heaviness and tiredness in the legs especially after heavy physical activity.
Itching: you may feel itchy skin around the varicose veins.
Pain: Your legs may be painful, achy, or sore especially behind the knees. You may also experience leg cramps.
Swelling: You can also feel throbbing sensations in the legs, ankles, and feet.
Skin discolorations and ulcers:
If the veins are left untreated for longer periods of time, can result in brown discoloration of the skin. In the advanced stages of varicose veins, you might suffer from venous ulcers.Make an appointment with a vein specialist san Diego to determine a suitable treatment option.
Treatment for varicose veins:
There are various kinds of treatments that help reduce the unsightly appearance. These treatments also help get rid of pain and discomfort.Elevation:
If you want to enhance blood circulation and decrease the pressure in the veins, you are advised to raise your legs above your waist lots of time the whole day.Elastic stockings:
Your doctor may recommend compression stockings or socks to compress the veins and decrease discomfort. The compressions stockings prevent the veins from stretching and helps to have healthy blood flow.Injection therapy (sclerotherapy):
Sclerotherapy is considered the effective treatment to deliver the solution into your vein directly. Moreover, it helps vein walls to stick together. Over time, the veins get converted into scar tissue and disappear with the passage of time.Laser therapy:
It is a minimally invasive method, known as endovenous thermal ablation. Professional inserts a catheter and the light energy to seal off a damaged vein.Vein surgery:
Ligation and stripping is a process in which the surgeon ties off the abnormal veins to prevent blood pooling. The surgeon will remove the diseased veins to stop their reoccurrence. Hopefully, you get all the necessary information from the article.